New York Ninja (Scalarama Leeds 2023)
This screening is part of the Scalarama Leeds 2023 Film [...]
This screening is part of the Scalarama Leeds 2023 Film [...]
Join us for a mind-boggling journey into peak 1980s straight-to-video action nonsense in one of the famously "best/worst" films ever made... SAMURAI COP!
DEATH SPA (AKA WITCH BITCH) is a fun, unintentionally ridiculous low-budget horror that wraps up a bizarre concept, incoherent plot and nonsensical who-dunnit mystery in neon spandex leotards and sexy aerobics.
Bullets! Bikinis!! Radioactive pythons exploding out of toilets!!! No film captures the playful chaos of action cinema’s golden age like director Andy and producer Arlene Sidaris’ undisputed masterpiece, Hard Ticket to Hawaii.
Mad scientists, robotic dinosaurs and Denise Richards. What The Film Club brings Tammy and the T-Rex, the delightfully stupid 90's dinosaur love story to Leeds.
“THE SKILL OF GYMNASTICS , THE KILL OF KARATE” - join us in celebrating this ridiculous 80's action movie starring olympian Kurt Thomas.
Australia Day! Join us to celebrate the forgotten 80's Ozploitation film, FAIR GAME. A non-stop, wild & extremely Australian thriller.